Orthodontics Is the Branch of Dentistry That Is in Charge of Diagnoses of Prevention and Treatment of Dental Malocclusions
This treatment is responsible for correcting and preventing all dental problems of misaligned teeth in early, medium and adult stages, also in the form , position and relation of tooth-maxillary structures.
In orthodontics, the procedure is to place extra oral, removable or fixed intra-oral appliances (more used brackets) with which bad occlusions or bad bites are corrected and misaligned teeth are corrected, the treatment can last from 6 months to three years depending on the case. It is necessary to be attending to monthly adjustments or even weekly to have the case controlled.
Orthodontic treatments are necessary when the patient suffers from cosmetic dental problems, problems when biting food trapped between the teeth, when there is pain in the temporomandibular joint (pain when opening or closing the mouth, as well as clicking when opening or closing) and when there is severe dental misalignment.

Signs and Symptoms
Orthodontics can be related to crooked teeth or poor dental positions or dental crowding that would be more visible, but there are also other signs and symptoms such as facial alterations due to poor positioning, even causing muscle pain in the jaw and tooth wear.
Care and Recommendations
During the treatment it is recommended to have an excellent dental hygiene by helping it with several dental accessories such as interdental brushes, water pix, paste, and dental floss.
After the treatment, it is recommended to use some retainers that will help to have a stable post treatment, either removable or fixed, which should be checked every 6 months to keep a track of the stability of the patient.
ICONIX ™ – Aesthetic Braces
Dental Laser Orthodontics stays at the forefront with aesthetic braces iconix, a touch of style that a look and feel their best during treatment. Iconix braces deliver dependable results in a beautiful and time-tested bracket body.

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